Monday, December 17, 2012


Looking forward, as the first bites of old man winter are reality, most of the hardcore fly fisherman choose to seek refuge at their fly tying bench. Usually, for myself, I notice that I need to purchase a few more varieties of hooks and beads. For some reason, Chironomids are usually first on the "must do" list, as strangely enough that list always has Chironomids on it. The choices of beads gets better every year, as do our imitations.
 Most recently I have become a real fan of the shiny black metal tungsten beads, they just seem to hit the spot. The winter is a great time to experiment with different body materials, I have a few good friends who are always experimenting with different food wrappers and plastics to wrap around a hook and the results are spectacular.
 A long time expert fly tier and good friend Mr. John Kent decided to use some of the reddish transparent wrap used on a famous household cheese wrap, Babybel to be exact. The pattern looks about as good as a Chironomid / Bloodworm can, and John can eat as much deli cheese as he wishes now, even after the holidays! Next time you are at the supermarket, keep your eye out for two things. Food that has packaging as potential fly tying material and Babybel cheese! Seriously, go have a taste.
*Shown photo is John Kent's fly!
-Brent Gill

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Have a Merry Xmas all! We are super excited to launch our brand new website this Saturday! Please feel free to browse through and navigate the informative and up to date information....We hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback - From the Team at The Douglas Lake Ranch.